What's in your neural organoid toolkit?

From stem cells to neurons, Axion BioSystems has the tools to accelerate your research. Developing functional 3D cell models and analyzing their complex behavior just got easier with Maestro MEA and Omni live-cell imaging platforms. Simplify your neural organoid experiments and streamline your workflow with our latest innovative product solutions.

Omni Live-Cell Imager
Omni Live-Cell Imager

A perfect platform for monitoring stem cell cultures and tracking organoid growth

Maestro Pro MEA system
Maestro MEA

A trusted system for detailed neural function – ideal for tracking network and LFP development


     Complete your organoid toolkit.  Contact us to learn more.      Contact Us   


The Complete Workflow for Neural Organoid Assays

Combine platforms to study your organoids from start to finish​

Better data starts with consistent organoids. Monitor your stem cell cultures and organoid formation on the Omni before you assay, then track neural network development and maturation with the Maestro MEA.  

Omni live-cell imaging platform​

  • Monitor stem cell cultures​
  • Track organoid formation and growth​

Maestro MEA platform​

  • Record neural activity
  • Measure network and LFP development
Organoid Workflow - imaging and MEA to monitor your stem cells through neural organoids



See how they work together


Watch this short video to learn how Axion's imaging and MEA platforms allow you to capture the complex biology of organoids noninvasively and in real time.



Featured Organoid Workflow Products

Omni live-cell imaging: Monitor iPSC and organoid growth

Imaging Organoid Workflow
Axion BioSystems Omni

Axion's Omni live-cell imaging platform makes it easy to track stem cell and organoid growth. Featuring a large scan area and incubator compatibility, the Omni images cells in their optimal culture environment, letting scientists monitor their cultures without disturbing them. >>

Axion BioSystems Organoid Analysis Module
Clonogenic Assay Module

No more searching for colonies during stem cell line development. Whole-plate imaging with the clonogenic module will reveal all the colonies in your plate and track their growth. Quickly scan the entire vessel, identify single cells, and track colony formation from the beginning. >>

Axion BioSystems Organoid Analysis Module
iPSC Software Module

Ensuring proper growth rates in iPSCs and passaging at appropriate densities are key to producing consistent starting material for reliable differentiations. The new iPSC Module monitors stem cell proliferation and embryoid body formation as your neural organoids develop with automated, whole-well imaging that saves time, minimizes sampling bias, and delivers reliable results. >>

Axion BioSystems Organoid Analysis Module
Organoid Analysis Module

The Organoid Module on the Omni can help standardize the embryoid body formation and expansion process. This can be a critical step in the organoid production process. Track critical features of embryoid body development including diameter, roundness, and the number in the well. >>


Maestro MEA: Functionally characterize and track development

MEA Orgaonid Workflow from stem cell to organoid screening
Axion BioSystems Maestro Pro
Maestro Pro MEA Platform

Axion's Maestro microelectrode array (MEA) platform makes it easy for any scientist to perform complex electrophysiological experiments on 2D and 3D in vitro cell models with no labels, dyes, or complicated steps. Featuring continuous monitoring, powerful software, and flexible throughput, Axion’s user-friendly systems are indispensable tools in labs worldwide. >>

Neural Module
Neural Module

Functionally profile your organoids with the Neural Module. Track the functional maturation and development of your organoids by characterizing firing, network activity, and synchrony with dozens of metrics. Measure complex population dynamics across the organoid's network with local field potentials (LFPs). >>

Axion BioSystems SpheroGuide MEA Plate
SpheroGuide MEA Plate

Accurately positioning organoids can be difficult, especially in high-throughput formats. Introducing Axion Biosystems’ new SpheroGuide MEA plate featuring an integrated placement funnel designed to easily guide your 3D cell models over the electrode area for optimal recording on Maestro MEA devices. Save time and resources in your lab with fast, easy, reliable organoid plating on SpheroGuide. >>


Neural Organoids

Neural Organoid Publications and Resources​

Neural organoids are rapidly changing the field of neuroscience. See featured publications, webinars, applications notes, and more to discover how researchers are using Axion’s live-cell analysis tools to accelerate their organoid research.​

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