Discover CardiacRegenerative Medicine Assay Research



Pave the way to cardiac regenerative medicine

Cardiac regenerative medicine aims to restore or replace damaged heart tissue in an effort to improve heart function and treat cardiovascular conditions. With clinical trials currently evaluating regenerative medicine strategies for post-myocardial infarction heart failure and coronary artery disease, experts expect these groundbreaking therapies may soon advance from bench to bedside.

 Axion’s versatile live-cell analysis systems offer a powerful platform for studying cardiac regeneration in 2D and 3D cell cultures in vitroin real time with no labels, dyes, or complicated steps.

>> Track the differentiation and maturation of cardiomyocytes over days, weeks, or months

>> Assess key parameters of cardiac action potentials, contraction, and propagation in real time

>> Investigate mechanisms of cardiac disease and regeneration without disturbing your cells

>> Evaluate the functional effects of therapeutic strategies for repairing damaged heart tissue

Cardiac Regenerative Process




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Cardiac Classification

Predict the cardiomyocyte subtype using the action potential waveform in the LEAP assay.

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Cardiac Development

Track cardiac differentiation and maturation over weeks and determine when cardiomyocytes start to beat and form a syncytium.

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Characterize compound-induced effects on cardiomyocyte inotropy and excitation-contraction coupling.

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Cardiotoxicity and Safety

Evaluate the proarrhythmic risk of compounds in acute and chronic exposure experiments in CiPA-style studies.



What is cardiac regenerative medicine? >>


Therapeutic strategies designed to repair heart damage from myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular conditions are advancing at a rapid pace, potentially putting the promise of cardiac regeneration within reach. Scientists are exploring a number of cardiac regenerative medicine approaches in the lab and in human clinical trials.

>> Stem cell therapy: Scientists are investigating the use of embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and adult stem cells (e.g., mesenchymal stem cells), to regenerate damaged heart tissue. The cells are delivered directly to the heart through injections or implanted using tissue-engineered constructs

>> Gene therapy: Gene therapy involves introducing specific genes into the heart tissue to promote cell growth, differentiation, and regeneration. This approach aims to modify the genetic makeup of cardiac cells to enhance their regenerative capacity.

>> Tissue engineering: Scientists use biomaterials, scaffolds, and cells to build tissue-engineered constructs that can be transplanted into the heart to promote tissue regeneration and improve cardiac function.

>> Cardiac patch therapy: Cardiac patches are thin, cell-seeded biomaterial sheets designed to repair damaged areas of the heart. These patches can be applied surgically to provide structural support and deliver therapeutic cells to the injured site, facilitating tissue repair.

>> Exosome therapy: Exosomes are small vesicles released by cells that contain various signaling molecules, including proteins and microRNAs. Researchers are exploring the potential of using exosomes derived from stem cells or other cell types to stimulate cardiac repair and regeneration.

>> Bioactive molecules and growth factors: Certain molecules and growth factors can promote cell proliferation, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and tissue repair. Delivering these bioactive agents directly to the heart can enhance its regenerative capacity.