Pathogenic Tau Impairs Axon Initial Segment Plasticity and Excitability Homeostasis

Sohn PD, Huang CT, Yan R, Fan L, Tracy TE, Camargo CM, Montgomery KM, Arhar T, Mok SA, Freilich R, Baik J, He M, Gong S, Roberson ED, Karch CM, Gestwicki JE, Xu K, Kosik KS, Gan L.

Neuron, 2019


Explore how Axion Maestro MEA technology recordings of CRISPR/Cas-9-based gene edited hiPSC neurons showed an abnormal increase in neuronal activity in response to chronic depolarization.

Keywords: tau, FTD, frontotemporal dementia, EB3, homeostasis, neuronal activity, network dysfunction, excitability, cytoskeleton, Alzheimer's Disease